Bosses, remove your ego from Marketing

Bosses and managers who aren’t marketers won’t want to hear this and they won’t listen anyway, but I’m going to say it, stop your ego from your marketing team doing a good job.

Of course an Owner / Founder or Managing Director is going to want some input into the Marketing strategy, but particularly within smaller businesses they need to trust their Marketing people more.

Just because you don’t like a certain colour, doesn’t mean it doesn’t work for the brand. Just because you have never heard of TikTok doesn’t mean it isn’t a channel to explore… just because you’re a control freak you don’t need to read every newsletter or email that gets sent.

And this is the other problem, Owners and MDs can become the blocker. You want to see everything and yet you never have the time to review anything?

Then you complain that nothing has happened?

Credit The La Times

If you’ve hired a good Marketing team, good for you, let them get on with.

If you’ve hired a bad Marketing team, then that’s on you.

From my experience, egos within any team or project or business are never a good thing but for some reason Marketing seems to suffer from it most.

Everyone has an opinion. I don’t go and look over the shoulder of our Accounts Team and criticise the way they’ve formatted their spreadsheet.

Again, I am probably coming across as negative… Marketers want support and we want feedback but we also want to be trusted and celebrated when things go well, not just chastised when things don’t work.

Oh shit, is that my ego talking there….