Bosses and managers who aren’t marketers won’t want to hear this and they won’t listen anyway, but I’m going to say it, stop your ego from your marketing team doing a good job.
Author: tomjohnsonmarketing
Don’t be Keith. Just ask one simple question, where are your audience?
I probably shouldn’t say this, but I don’t think Marketing is all that complicated. But I suppose an expert in Marketing would say that. What I’ve found is Owners, Managers and Non-Marketers do get bamboozled by jargon and the mythical “marketing strategy” which inevitably ends up being a PowerPoint the Marketing Manager puts together, the […]
My Recent Work
Just some of the lovely clients I’ve been working with recently… from AI Recruiters in New York to Legal Recruiters in Liverpool… and more.
Why I’m doing #SoberOctober
I read a post by an old agency cohort of mine from the true days, who was reflecting on a Friday afternoon in her beautiful countryside back garden on how DIFFERENT Fridays are now for most of us seasoned marketers and agency bods.